Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Members of AJ Tix discreetly help to provide an audience for event organisers in London and surrounding counties. We pride ourselves on offering our members the opportunity to attend a wide variety of cultural events on a regular basis. Our service is most suited to those people who understand that everybody benefits when our members follow the rules, after all - when event organisers are happy, they’re more likely to list events in the future which means more opportunities for you.

Members understand that we do not sell tickets. Our members pay an admin fee to be added to guest-lists that we manage for various events in London and the regions. By making a booking, you are paying our administration fee to add you to our guest-list - not purchasing ticket(s).

Our members are given access to complimentary guest-list offers by kindly agreeing to abide by our Terms and Conditions:

  • Our members must always direct enquiries about an event to AJ Tix staff. Please do not contact event organisers or the venue directly under any circumstances.
  • Members agree to not forward any communications sent from AJ Tix without prior written consent under any circumstances.
  • We ask you to graciously accept any seats that you are given, without complaint. Please do not ask the Box Office or our Reps for different seats than the ones you are given.
  • We ask that you be friendly and respectful towards all staff at the hosting venue. Please remember that whilst attending you are a brand ambassador for AJ Tix.
  • Members agree to be friendly and co-operative to all AJ Tix staff. We operate a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of abusive, or unfriendly language towards our team, or our representatives.
  • On every listing and booking confirmation we provide specific instructions for ticket collection that detail the time and place members should collect from. We ask that members take the time to read this information for each booking and follow the instructions given.
  • We ask that members understand that they must not be late for ticket collection. Our ticket partners rely upon our members to collect their tickets at least 30 minutes prior to the event beginning so that they are free to deal with last minute sales. If you do not pick up by this time, your tickets may be re-allocated by the box office and you may lose your seats.
  • To collect your tickets, you should show a copy of your PDF confirmation on your smart phone and be prepared to show ID (such as a driver’s licence or credit card) should it be requested by box office staff. You can print the confirmation, but it's better for the environment if you show it on your phone.
  • Only the account holder can collect any tickets for an event. Members must not allow other people to collect tickets on their behalf or in their place.
  • We ask that our members always present themselves well in a smart-casual style whilst attending events. Please do not wear vests, shorts or flip-flops.
  • If for any reason, the venue is unable to issue you with tickets for an event that you have booked, please accept their decision graciously and contact AJ Tickets staff who will liaise with the venue on your behalf.
  • We ask members to be mindful that they are responsible for their guest’s behaviour. Member’s guests are also representatives of AJ Tickets and we ask that you take care to ensure that appropriate behaviour is demonstrated at all times.
  • Members must be willing to remain for the entire event and applaud heartily and generously to help provide a good atmosphere.
  • We ask that you do not bring along young children to any events you have booked unless it is specifically described as a family show that is suitable for children. If you want to take teenage guests, please check before booking that the show is age appropriate.
  • Only the account holder can log-in to the site and make bookings. You must not disclose your password or allow others to use your account to log into the AJ Tickets website and make bookings.
  • The named member must be in attendance for all events booked. Passing along tickets to friends or family or selling tickets to third parties is strictly forbidden.
  • AJ Tickets does not sell tickets. Tickets are given to us on a complimentary basis. We in turn charge an administration fee which covers our running costs and allows us to offer you these complimentary events to enjoy.
  • We ask that you commit to attending any events that you book. If for any reason you cannot attend events, you must cancel your booking at least 3 hours before the event begins, so that the seats are not wasted and can be enjoyed by fellow members. You can do this by visiting our contact us page and sending us a message.
  • The accounts of new members who cancel any of their first three bookings will be closed permanently.
  • The accounts of members who do not make a booking every 12 months will be closed.
  • If you do not attend an event you have booked, your account will be permanently withdrawn with no exceptions.
  • Refund Policy - If you choose to cancel tickets for an event you have booked, administration fees are non-refundable.
  • Members of AJ Tickets and their guests must not discuss complimentary tickets or AJ Tickets in, or around the venue. Event organisers place their faith in our audience that they will be discreet and we ask you to help us fulfil that expectation.
  • Members and their guests must not discuss complimentary tickets, AJ Tickets, or any of the events or venues we work with on social media, print or online media or any other public discussion forum under any circumstances, including but not limited to online news websites, blogs, fan pages or discussion boards or review sites.
  • AJ Tickets membership is available for those aged 18 or above and is subject to approval. Management reserve the right to refuse or suspend membership at any time.
  • AJ Tickets reserves the right to amend its terms and conditions, fee structure and referral scheme at any point, without notice.
  • Members cannot use their account to book tickets for any social groups that they manage. Our service is only to be used by members and their accompanying guests. It is strictly forbidden to book tickets and resell them to groups or individuals.
  • Members cannot use their account for business use. Booking to attend events with AJ Tickets is strictly for personal use.
  • Members understand that these tickets are given to us to provide an audience. Very rarely, allocations of tickets will be recalled for whatever reason. In this instance, all admin fees will be refunded. In the rare event this happens, we expect you to be understanding and reasonable.
  • Members accept that any infringements of these conditions may result in a temporary or permanent suspension from AJ Tickets. Members agree not to leave any negative reviews online when such action is taken as a result of these rules not being followed.
  • Where any member commits a breach of these terms and conditions, he/she shall be liable to compensate AJ Tickets Limited for any and all damages caused to it as a result of the breach, including indirect or consequential damages.